SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA — On Tuesday, 8 October 2002, LinkTek Corporation’s LinkFixerPlus — the first application that fixes broken links automatically on a local copy of a Web site — made its national radio debut on CNET Radio. LinkTek’s Executive Project Manager, Bruce Saliga was interviewed live on the air by CNET Radio personality Desmond Crisis. Mr. Crisis was impressed with LinkFixerPlus’ capabilities and directed the public to visit LinkTek’s Web site to learn more about the product.
“[LinkFixerPlus] is software that will make your life easier,” stated Mr. Crisis in the opening moments of the interview. “It’ll be good to always have a current Web site with no broken links. Check it out at”
The interview aired on CNET Radio and was broadcast via the Internet, XM Radio (nationwide satellite radio) channel 130 and on San Francisco and San Jose, California’s 910 AM radio station.
“I know you dream of a world where all the Web pages work, where you don’t go to broken links,” said Mr. Crisis. “There is a lot of software that attempts to keep your links working…[LinkFixerPlus] looks like it has a plan.”
LinkFixerPlus is the first software application that fixes broken links totally automatically, without requiring the manual editing of links. Using patent-pending technology, LinkFixerPlus helps eliminate the time-consuming and tedious process of manually finding and fixing broken links throughout a local copy of a Web site.
How To Contact LinkTek
For more information, call LinkTek at +1-727-442-1822 extension 1537 or e-mail
About LinkTek
LinkTek’s patented product, LinkFixer Advanced, automatically finds and fixes broken links in an organization’s most critical file types so that migrations and file system reorganizations can be completed quickly, accurately and without causing lost data or lost productivity due to broken file links.
Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida, LinkTek Corporation provides the world’s leading solution for the management and automatic repair of file links found in today’s most common file formats. LinkTek’s purpose is to improve the lives of computer users, IT professionals, Records & Information Managers and CIOs by providing software that automatically repairs file links and also protects them from the effects of data migrations and user errors. For more information, visit
For immediate release
For more information about LinkFixer Advanced, please visit LinkTek’s wesite at or call LinkTek at 727-442-1822.
Try LinkFixer Advanced today!

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