IT Tips & Tricks

March 24, 2021

Data Demogorgons (and Dodgy Dollars)


If you’ve ever suffered the indignity of lost or missing data after a migration, you’ll totally be able to relate to this story. If you have a migration looming in the not-too-distant future, you may as well tag along for the ride, since it will be relevant to you too.

Sometimes fact is funnier than fiction.

Keep reading and you’ll see how and why soon enough!

If you’re a fan of the Netflix series, “Stranger Things,” you’re familiar with the Demogorgon and the fear he instills.

The idea was to write an article outlining how the Demogorgon enters the building after hours, hungrily craving mountains of freshly transferred data.

Data-eating Demogorgons? We laugh in the face of those demons. And you will too.

(There’s no accounting for taste. Demogorgons don’t answer to anyone and are not known for their sophisticated palates.)

Anyhoo, using his supernatural powers and telekinesis, the Demogorgon was going to somehow “beam” himself into the building, bypass the security guys (or nibble on them as a starter) and head for the servers, which he regards as something of a data buffet.


Smooth migrations equal happy bosses.

Of course, the mess you’d find on arriving at the office on Monday morning would be epic, and you’d be up to your ears in complaining end-users in a matter of minutes.

Missing data, often stemming from broken links, is a pain in the you-know-what for IT professionals the world over.

In considering the relationship between parent and child files, in other words the data files and the links within them that point to the child files, the analogy arose of a dollar bill torn in half, imagining that once torn, both halves may have reduced value, or possibly no value at all.

This question led to a spot of googling on the subject of damaged cash.

An informative article popped up in which a dog had chewed up a pile of twenties, leaving the owner to figure out what to do with the damaged cash.

To determine what specific actions to take (based on the varying degrees of possible damage), the author kindly supplied a link to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Imagine the shriek when, curious and wanting to get to the bottom of this issue, clicking the link produced the following message: “404: Page Not Found.” Are you kidding? Seriously?

… one click and welcome to 404-land!

What are the odds? The very reason for the existence of this article, the frustration for end-users when they are stumped by missing data and broken links, is the exact thing that is encountered after doing just a little research? Priceless!

Just one click and welcome to 404-land!

Clearly, the Webmaster at the googled site needs a product that would help locate and repair broken links as much as you do, so without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome LinkFixer Advanced. (Still chuckling here.)


Missing data: horribly frustrating for users, customers and IT professionals alike.

This patented powerhouse will restore missing data and repair broken links with unparalleled speed and aplomb. That’s no sales-pitch. That’s just a straight up fact.

Whether you’re in a post-migration phase and battling with missing data and broken links, or still in a pre-migration planning phase and wanting to avoid missing data and broken links, LinkFixer Advanced is quite literally the magic wand you need and want.

In fact, if you’ve not yet commenced your migration, LinkFixer Advanced can also be used as your primary migration tool, resulting in a Demogorgon-free zone where there simply is no missing data due to broken links.

Unlike the mythical Demogorgon, LinkFixer Advanced is a gleaming reality and evidence of this may be seen at, where you can either receive a live demonstration of its prowess, or obtain a free trial version.

Data-eating Demogorgons? We laugh in the face of those demons. And you will too. Believe it. Stranger things have happened!

Missing data … is a pain in the you-know-what for IT professionals …

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